Ram Singh Charlie is a 2020 Indian Hindi-language drama film directed by Nitin Kakkar. Written by Kakkar and Sharib Hashmi, the film follows the life of a circus artist and his subsequent struggle after the circus is shut. Varun Gupta is the creative producer of the film It stars Kumud Mishra in the title role along with Divya Dutta, Akarsh Khurana and Farrukh Seyer in pivotal roles. Ram Singh Charlie was released on 28 August, 2020 on Sony Liv.
STORY: Citing ‘circus is dying’ as the reason, Masterji’s (Salima Raza) son shuts down their family business – which meant a lot more to the old lady – and so performer Ram Singh (better known as Charlie) is now left to fend for himself. But, it’s not just unemployment that is eating him up from the inside; Charlie is a true artiste and his heart is entwined with Jango Circus, and the feeling of being on stage.